When you purchase an RV you are stepping into a whole new community of people. People who love adventure and life on the road. However, every community has both myths and facts and we think it is important you know the truth about some of the most common RV Myths.
RV Myth #1: Motorhomes get terrible gas mileage
Semi-false. With gas prices surging it is important to understand how much gas an RV actually uses. While motorhomes aren’t as fuel-efficient as the average passenger vehicle simply due to their greater weight, there have been a lot of advancements made in just the last few years that have equated to better mileage. Manufacturers are also aware of customer preferences, so they continue to improve fuel efficiency. If you’re considering owning an RV and looking for more fuel-efficient options, check out Class C RVs and B-Vans. They’ll get better gas mileage than a larger motorhome.
RV Myth #2: If an RV is not branded as “ultra-light” then it is not light
False. In fact, many models that do not have “ultra-light” in their name are still just as easy to tow. The Ultra-light tag is sometimes a catchy marketing phrase.
RV Myth #3: My truck has sway control. I don’t need any added sway control or stabilizers.
Not only is this myth false, but it’s also dangerous. While a factory-installed sway control on a truck may ensure that the vehicle does not sway, it certainly will not prevent a trailer from doing so. At TNT RV Repair we have many stabilizers available so you can travel on the road safely.
RV Myth #4: I don’t need to store my RV in the winter months.
False. Leaving your RV exposed to the elements can result in long-term damage. This can be accelerated by moisture and cold so we recommend storing the vehicle in the winter months. Remember, owning an RV is an investment, and you’ll want to protect it as best as possible.
RV Myth #5: I Don’t Need to get my RV Checked Until It’s Broken
False. Annual checks will save you time and money. At TNT RV Repair we highly recommend you get your RV checked before taking it on a road trip. Annual checkups are necessary because if you wait until a problem occurs with the vehicle you will most likely be on the road and have to pay for a tow, a place to sleep while it’s being fixed, and it will dampen your whole road trip experience. This can all be prevented by having a specialist at TNT RV Repair take a look at your RV and see if there is anything that needs to be updated before you hit the road!
Being proactive and having a reliable RV repair company on hand before you have a problem with your vehicle will give you time to find the right company for you. If you are in the Henderson or Las Vegas area, contact TNT RV Repair today to talk to one of our customer care specialists!